Steere : "The likely reason for relapse is failure to eradicate the spirochete" Lyme disease
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2015-09-11 23:44:15 UTC
Chronic Neurologic Manifestations of Lyme Disease
Loggian, Kaplan, Steere
,,,,,,,Discussion.....These chronic neurologic abnormalities began months
to years after the onset of infection, sometimes after long periods of
latency, as in neurosyphilis....The typical response of our patients to
antibiotic therapy supports the role of spirochetal infection in the
pathogenisis of each of the syndromes described here......The likely reason
for relapse is failure to eradicate the spirochete.......This is
reminiscent of far advanced neurosyphilis.......
This last article is one of many studies that show continuing symptoms are
most likely due to persistence of the spirochete
2015-11-08 01:25:48 UTC
Post by georgia
Chronic Neurologic Manifestations of Lyme Disease
Loggian, Kaplan, Steere
,,,,,,,Discussion.....These chronic neurologic abnormalities began months
to years after the onset of infection, sometimes after long periods of
latency, as in neurosyphilis....The typical response of our patients to
antibiotic therapy supports the role of spirochetal infection in the
pathogenisis of each of the syndromes described here......The likely reason
for relapse is failure to eradicate the spirochete.......This is
reminiscent of far advanced neurosyphilis.......
This last article is one of many studies that show continuing symptoms are
most likely due to persistence of the spirochete
Yes--I still have a copy of that abstract--mine also mentions radiculitis --nerve inflamation of back etc...SUDDENLY CHRONIC LYME DOES NOT EXIST BY THESE SAME AUTHORS---! INSURANCE COMPANY PAY OFFS---